
Genomecomb moved to github on with documentation on For up to date versions, go there. These pages only remain here for the data on the older scientific application (or if someone really needs a long obsolete version of the software)

Howto query

This howto illustrates some of the uses of the "cg select" command line to query tab-separated data files. More extensive information about the command can be found in the cg select help. The same queries can be performed in a GUI with a query builder to aid using cg viz

Example files

We created a smaller data set for testing by extracting a few chromosomes out of a number of publically available genome sequences made using 2 different technologies:

The analysis result files used in these examples are available through the install page). A detailed description of the columns present in this file are presented in the example_header section.

The files used are:

an annotated multicompar variant file where each line contains a variant, genotype, quality, etc. data per sample and annotations
a sampleinfo file containing extra information on the samples. If it is in the same directory it will automatically be used (with this name).
a multiregion file where each line contains a region and a field for each sample to indicate whether this resion is sequenced or not in the sample

Some queries are quite long. For readability they are split into several lines, but allways in a way that they only execute after typing the entire query into bash (or copy/pasting):

Get (summary) information on the file

Which samples are in the file? "Samples" in this context means analysis samples: If the same biological sample was sequenced twice (e.g. cg-cg-testNA19240chr2122cg and gatk-rdsbwa-testNA19240chr21il) or analysed twice using different methods (e.g. varcaller: sam-rdsbwa-testNA19240chr21il and gatk-rdsbwa-testNA19240chr21il) these versions are shown as separate samples!

cg select -n annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

How many (analysis) samples are there: The | (pipe symbol) sends the results from select -n to wc (wordcount, using the -l option it only counts lines):

cg select -n annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 | wc -l

How many complete genomics samples (The grep command filters out lines containing the pattern cg-cg at the start of the line. wc -l only counts the number of lines):

cg select -n annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 | grep ^cg-cg- | wc -l

which fields are present in the file (cg select -h); less allows scrolling through the results

cg select -h annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 | less

Show only fields with impact in the name (grep only shows lines matching the pattern "impact")

cg select -h annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 | grep impact

How many variants (data lines) are in the file. This uses the -g option to count the number of data lines (ignoring comments and header, which would be counted using wc). The -g option for creating summaries is a lot more flexible, and will be explained later in more detail further in this document.

cg select -g all annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

Query: select lines based on specific properties

The following examples will use the -q query option to only select variants which fullfill given criteria. In the query, $fieldname will be replaced with the value of field for the variable. e.g. only return variants of type ins (insertion) and show them using the less pager

cg select -q '$type == "ins"' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 | less -S

Notice that we used the comparison operator == to see if the value of type ($type) is equal to the value "ins" (literal values must be quoted) You can get a list of available functions and operators you can use in a query in the cg select help

cg select -h

If we just want to know how many insertions there are in the file, we can combine the query with -g all

cg select -q '$type == "ins"' -g all annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

We want to select all variants with an impact on refGene exons. Because one variant can have a different effect on different transcripts of a gene (or on different overlapping genes), the field intGene_impact contains a list with the impact of the variant on each transcript. If the variant has the same impact on all transcripts, the list will be reduced to just that one impact. Otherwise, it will contain an impact for each transcript. As exonic impact annotations will always contain either CDS, UTR or GENE we can do the query using the pattern (regular expression) CDS|UTR|GENE (CDS or UTR or GENE) We write the result to the file (last argument) refexome.tsv.lz4. As the extension of the output file indicates lz4 compression, the results will be autmatically compressed.

cg select -q '
    $refGene_impact regexp "CDS|UTR|GENE"
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 refexome.tsv.lz4

We can use "cg less" to page through the lz4 compressed resultfile refexome.tsv.lz4 or use "cg viz" for a graphical user interface for browsing and querying large tsv files

cg less -S refexome.tsv.lz4
cg viz refexome.tsv.lz4

We can be more specific using a list specifying all impacts (complete) we are interested in, e.g. selecting all CDS affecting variants expcept silent ones (CDSsilent) We use the operator "shares" because we are comparing 2 lists: shares is true if the list in the intGene_impact column shares an element with the given list. (We use intGene now, which contains more transcripts).

cg select -q '
    $intGene_impact shares "
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 temp.tsv.lz4

Count the number of snp variant positions in the refexome file we just made where the coverage of Complete Genomics NA19240 is higher or equal to 20. Sometimes the coverage is unknown (indicated by ?), in which case the query would give an error (? is not a number). We use the lmind function to solve this. It interprets the coverage as a list of numbers, and returns the smallest. If there is no number in the list, the default value (0 in the example) will be returned. (Depending on the query, you might also use lmaxd)

cg select -q '
    $type=="snp" and lmind($coverage-cg-cg-testNA19240chr2122cg,0) >= 20
' -g all refexome.tsv.lz4

Since coverage never actually contains a list of numbers, we could also have used the def function. We prefer to use lmind anyway (instead of the def function for non lists) because it also works as expected for single number data, while def gives unexpected results in case lists are present (a list is not a number, so it would take the default value).

We can also use the lmind function on a list of fields, e.g. to find all snps where all cg samples have a coverage of at least 20: We use a wildcard to select all cg coverage fields

cg select -q '$type=="snp" and lmind($coverage-cg-cg-*,0) >= 20' -g all refexome.tsv.lz4

The previous simple trick does not work if we want to e.g. select variant lines that are variant (not reference for this variant) AND have a coverage of at least 20 in at least one sample. We will use a "sample aggregate" function to do this: scount will count the number of samples for which the condition in the braces is true. For each line the function will go over all samples, and calculate if the condition is true for each sample. In the condition all sample specific fields (e.g. coverage-cg-cg-testNA19240chr2122cg) are used without the sample suffix (The appropriate sample will be added when checking). An extra field sample is available containing the name of the "current" sample, used here to only screen CG samples.

cg select -q '
    $type=="snp" and scount($sequenced == "v"
    and $coverage >= 20 and $sample matches "cg-cg-*") >= 1
' -g all refexome.tsv.lz4

more filtering: In the next example we select high quality, rare (based on 1000g and exac AFR) SNPs based on several criteria: Variant related criteria that are not specific to each sample (e.g. not in simple repeats, population frequency) are used directly. sample specific filters (good coverage and quality, not in cluster, in at least to gatk samples) are in an scount aggregate function that selects variants that have a high quality variant genotype in at least 2 gatk samples. We select only gatk and not samtools calls/samples using the sample field (cg calls are not be considered in the scount anyway because they do not have the field quality that is used in the scount query).

cg select -q '
    $type == "snp" and lmax($1000g3,0) < 0.01 and lmax($exac_freqp_AFR,0) < 0.01
    and scount(
        $sample matches "gatk-*" and $sequenced == "v"
        and $coverage >= 20 and $quality >= 50 and $cluster == ""
    ) >= 2 
    and $simpleRepeat == "" && $microsat == ""
' refexome.tsv.lz4 > tempsel.tsv
cg select -g all tempsel.tsv
cg select -f '
    chromosome begin end type ref alt simpleRepeat microsat genomicSuperDups cluster-*
' tempsel.tsv | less -S -x 15

In the next query we add an even stronger quality criterium: concordance with samtools zyg call. Using a wildcard (*) we calculate a new field samzyg for each gatk sample that contains the zyg call by samtools for the corresponding sample. In the query we use this extra field to see if it is equal to the gatk zyg call for each sample. (Here we only count the number of results.)

cg select -f '{samzyg-gatk-*=$zyg-sam-*}' -q '
    $type == "snp" and lmax($1000g3,0) < 0.01 and lmax($exac_freqp_AFR,0) < 0.01
    and scount(
        $sample matches "gatk-*" and $sequenced == "v"
        and $coverage >= 20 and $quality >= 50 and $cluster == ""
    and $samzyg == $zyg
    ) >= 2 
    and $simpleRepeat == "" && $microsat == ""
' -g all refexome.tsv.lz4

Extract a specific region from the file using the region function

cg select -q 'region("22:50000000-60000000")' -g all refexome.tsv.lz4

Count all variants where the same genotype is called between CG and gatk analysis on sample NA19240

cg select -g all \
    -q 'sm("gatk-rdsbwa-testNA19240chr21il", "cg-cg-testNA19240chr2122cg")' \

Select all positions where the same genotype is called between CG and gatk analysis, can be reference calls if the Illumina genome calls a variant at that position.

cg select -g all -q '
    same("gatk-rdsbwa-testNA19240chr21il", "cg-cg-testNA19240chr2122cg")
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

Select mismatches between CG and gatk analysis on the CG genome, i.e. a variant is called by both but with a different genotype.

cg select -g all -q '
    mm("gatk-rdsbwa-testNA19240chr21il", "cg-cg-testNA19240chr2122cg")
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

Select all variants not in simple tandem repeats, microsatellites or segmental duplications

cg select -q '$type == "snp" 
    and $simpleRepeat == "" and $microsat == "" and $genomicSuperDups == "" ' \
    annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 nonrepeat.tsv.lz4

Count lines where NA19240 has a variant according to 3 technologies (CG and illumina with two SNV callers) call a variant.

cg select -g all -q '
    $sequenced-cg-cg-testNA19240chr2122cg == "v" 
    and $sequenced-gatk-rdsbwa-testNA19240chr21il == "v" 
    and $sequenced-sam-rdsbwa-testNA19240chr21il == "v"
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

Count lines where NA19240 has a variant according to all 3 technologies, but by using the scount function.

cg select -g all -q '
    scount($sequenced == "v" and $sample matches "*-testNA19240*")  == 3
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

Count lines where NA19240 has a variant according to all 3 technologies, but by using the scount function and information (individual) in the sampleinfo file.

cg select -g all -q '
    scount($sequenced == "v" and $individual == "NA19240")  == 3
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

Count all variants with coverage between 20 and 100 and not in clustered SNV regions in at least 2 cg genomes

cg select -g all -q '
    scount($sequenced == "v" and $coverage >= 20 and $coverage <= 100 and $cluster == ""
    and $sample matches "cg-cg-*")  >= 2
    and $type == "snp"
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

We can query all tsv files. Querying the multiregion file sreg-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 can tell us for instance how large the region sequenced in all cg samples is:

cg select -q '
    scount($sreg == 1 and $sample matches "cg-cg-*") == 3
' sreg-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 | cg covered

Or how much in more than 1 samples:

cg select -q '
    scount($sreg == 1 and $sample matches "cg-cg-*") > 1
' sreg-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 | cg covered

We can combine with other commands to find out which regions from refcoding are still missing in a given sample (cg-cg-testNA19240chr2122cg).

# select the region covered in the sample
cg select -q '
    $sreg-cg-cg-testNA19240chr2122cg == 1
' sreg-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 reg-testNA19240chr2122cg.tsv.lz4
# subtract from refcoding
cg regsubtract $refcoding reg-testNA19240chr2122cg.tsv.lz4 > missing.tsv
# get size of region covered by missing
cg covered missing.tsv
# recalculate missing, but only for chr 21 and 22 (using a pipe to do it in one go)
cg regsubtract $refcoding reg-testNA19240chr2122cg.tsv.lz4 | 
    cg select -q '$chromosome in "21 22"' > missing.tsv
cg covered missing.tsv

Fields: select fields to show

Using the -f option, we can select which fields to show in the output, e.g. List the genomic positions (chromosome, begin, end) of the refexome.

cg select -f 'chromosome begin end' refexome.tsv.lz4 | less

Wildcards can be used in the fieldnames, selecting fields matching the pattern (e.g. refGene_*). * selects all (up till now unselected) fields. This can be used to reorder fields while keeping all of them in the file

cg select -f 'chromosome begin end type refGene_* *' refexome.tsv.lz4 | less -S

Using the form field=expression, you can create a calculated field: field will contain the result of expression; In expression any of the fields in the file can be used (as well as calculated fields defined earlier). If expression contains spaces, the entire definition of the calculated field must be enclosed in {}, as shown in the example:

cg select -f 'chromosome begin end type {size= $end - $begin}' refexome.tsv.lz4 | less

Calculated fields can use sample aggregate functions, to e.g. count the number of samples for which each line is variant:

cg select -f '
    chromosome begin end type {countv= scount($sequenced == "v")}
' refexome.tsv.lz4 | less

Calculated fields can be used in queries:

cg select -g all -f '
    chromosome begin end type
    {countv= scount($sequenced == "v" and $coverage >= 20 and $sample matches "cg-cg-*")}
' -q '$countv >= 2' refexome.tsv.lz4

You can define several calculated fields at once using wildcards. A new field is created for each value matching all fields with * in the expression. Here a field hqv-sample will be calculated for each sample where sequenced-sample, quality-sample, etc. exist. Since quality-* is only present for the gatk and samtools "samples", hqv-* will only be calculated for these.

cg select -f '
    chromosome begin end type ref alt 
        $sequenced-* == "v" and $quality-* >= 50 
        and $coverage-* >= 20 and lmind($evs_aa_freqp,0) <= 1
' refexome.tsv.lz4 | less

The -rf option can be used to remove fields, used with a wildcard to e.g. remove all samtools fields

cg select -rf '*-sam-*' refexome.tsv.lz4 | cg select -header | less

The -samples option to include only samples matchinf the pattern in the output. (All none-sample-specific fields are included)

cg select -samples 'cg-cg-*' refexome.tsv.lz4 | cg select -header

Summaries (-g and -gc options)

Using -g (an -gc) options of cg select, we can create summaries of a tsv file by grouping on given fields and providing summary information on the groups (counts by default)

How many of each type of variant is present in the file:

cg select -g type annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

As shown earlier, We can use -g to count the number of variants correctly (without comments and header lines. Using the special field "all", we can get it correct: The value of "all" is allways all, creating only one group, and thus counting the total number of variants.

cg select -g all annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

We can limit the display to only snp or indels using the filter following the group field:

cg select -g 'type {snp ins del}' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

We can use the special field "sample" to get separate counts per sample. On its own this would not be very useful: The number of data lines per sample is the same for all (= the total number of lines). We need to add add a second, sample specific field: this is a field that can have a different value for each sample and is present for each sample in the form of columns with names like sequenced-sample1, sequenced-sample2. We use the fieldname without the sample specification, e.g. sequenced here to count the sequenced status (v for variant, r for reference and u for unsequenced) of the variants in each samples.

cg select -g 'sample * sequenced' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

If we want to count only variants for each sample that are actually genotyped as being variant in each sample, use filter "v" for sequenced

cg select -g 'sample * sequenced v' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

Using -gc, we can change the output columns. Here we add both count and the average coverage (of the variants) to the output

cg select -g 'sample * sequenced v' -gc 'count,avg(coverage)' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

We can use the same method (combined with a calculated column for size) to get the region covered for each sample from the multiregion file

cg select -f '{size=$end - $begin}' \
    -g 'sample {} chromosome {} sreg 1' \
    -gc 'sum(size)' sreg-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4

We want to show for each of the refGene genes how many variants are in the gene. The first way you would think of doing this has some problems:

cg select -g 'refGene_gene' refexome.tsv.lz4 | less

The results will contain things like "gene1;gene2;gene2 number" because one variant may affect multiple genes, in which case refGene_gene is a list. If it is a list, the same gene may appear more than once (once for each transcript). To solve this problem, we use a calculated column genes which removes the duplicates in the list using the vdistinct function. In the -g option we prepend a - before the fieldname "genes". The - will cause the count (or other aggregate) to loop over each list, adding 1 to the result for each unique element in the list. (+ can be used to add 1 for each element in the list, even duplicates)

cg select -g '-refGene_gene' refexome.tsv.lz4 | less

We could also use this type of summary to look for genes with compound variants. However, there are some extra complexities:

We want to count (and find multiple) variants in the same transcipt (rather than gene) with a given impact (e.g. ignoring intronic variants). This can be done using the transcripts function, used here to create the field refGene_transcripts that will contain a list of transcript names (together with gene name) for which the impact id > CDSsilent (comes after it in the list of impacts in cg annotate).

We want the variants to be actually variant (sequenced v) in the same sample (so we add sequenced and sample in the grouping). We may also want to limit ourselves to rare high quality variants in the sample; For this, we need to create a field to use as a group for each sample (hqv-sample) that calculates if a variant is actually a variant (sequenced v) of high quality (quality, coverage). We use a calculated field with wildcards for this. hqv-* will be calculated for each sample where sequenced-sample, quality-sample, etc. exist. Since quality-* is only present for the gatk and samtools "samples", hqv-* will only be calculated for these. With no hqv-sample field present for the cg samples, they will not be included in the summary. We use evs_aa_freqp for excluding common polymorfisms.

cg select -f '
    {hqv-*=if($sequenced-* == "v" and $quality-* >= 50 and $coverage-* >= 20
        and lmind($evs_aa_freqp,0) <= 1,1,0)} 
' -g '-refGene_transcripts' -gc 'hqv 1 sample {} count' refexome.tsv.lz4 | less

The previous query produces a column for each sample. We can also put sample in -g, causing the creation of a new output line for each sample/transcript combination. This makes it easier to pipe the output into a new query to select only those with >= 2 variants

cg select -f '
    {hqv-*=if($sequenced-* == "v" and $quality-* >= 50 and $coverage-* >= 20
        and lmind($evs_aa_freqp,0) <= 1,1,0)} 
' -g 'sample {} -refGene_transcripts' -gc 'hqv 1 count' refexome.tsv.lz4 | 
    cg select -q '$count-1 > 1' | less

We can get other summary data than counts by adapting the last parameter of -gc, e.g. to see the average quality of variants with a given coverage:

cg select -g coverage -gc '
    sequenced v sample {gatk-* sam-*} avg(quality)
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 | less -S

We can add several agregate functions (separated by commas), in this case adding the count as well as the median and quartile 1 and 3 of the quality:

cg select -g coverage -gc '
    sequenced v sample {gatk-* sam-*} count,q1(quality),median(quality),q3(quality)
' annot_compar-yri_chr2122.tsv.lz4 | less -S