
Genomecomb moved to github on with documentation on For up to date versions, go there. These pages only remain here for the data on the older scientific application (or if someone really needs a long obsolete version of the software)



cg process_multicompar ?options? projectdir ?dbdir?


process a sequencing project directory. This expects a genomecomb directory with samples already processed and makes annotated multicompar data


This command runs the multicomparison step of cg process_project. As input, the command expects a basic genomecomb project directory with sequencing data (projectdir) for which the samples have already been processed.

Some of the steps/commands it uses can be used separately as well:


project directory with illumina data for different samples, each sample in a sub directory. The proc will search for fastq files in dir/samplename/fastq/
directory containing reference data (genome sequence, annotation, ...). dbdir can also be given in a projectinfo.tsv file in the project directory. process_illumina called with the dbdir parameter will create the projectinfo.tsv file.


-split 1/0
split multiple alternative genotypes over different line
-dbdir dbdir
dbdir can also be given as an option (instead of second parameter)
-dbfile file
Use file for extra (files in dbdir are already used) annotation
-targetvarsfile file
Use this option to easily check certain target positions/variants in the multicompar. The variants in file will allways be added in the final multicompar file, even if none of the samples is variant (or even sequenced) in it.
-m maxopenfiles (-maxopenfiles)
The number of files that a program can keep open at the same time is limited. pmulticompar will distribute the subtasks thus, that the number of files open at the same time stays below this number. With this option, the maximum number of open files can be set manually (if the program e.g. does not deduce the proper limit, or you want to affect the distribution).
-varfiles files
With this option you can limit the varfiles to be added to the given one. They should be given as a list of files in this option, so if using wildcards, enclose in quotes.

This command can be distributed on a cluster or using multiple with job options (more info with cg help joboptions)

